Friday, 31 July 2009

Strawberry Jam - Why You Should Stick To Just One Recipe

Almost as soon as we got home from the PYO farm, it became obvious that we had way too much fruit, and unless we wanted to eat strawberries and cream at every meal for the next week, there was no way we would get through all of it. The cashier in the farm shop had asked if we planned to make jam, so on the way home we'd picked up some jam sugar just in case the mood took us.

The recipe on the back of the jam sugar packet said boil the jam for 4 minutes. The recipe in Leith's Bible said it could take up to 30 minutes for the jam to set, as did a recipe on BBC food. I also had a sugar thermometer with a handy "jam" marking on it. I've seen plenty of jars of homemade jam that are too runny, and have to be poured, but I couldn't imagine what jam that was too hard would be like. I decided to boil the jam until the sugar thermometer was satisfied. I also chucked in some vanilla seeds and a squeeze of lemon juice for fun.

As I am greedy and curious, it was only a couple of hours later when I broke in to the first jar. Instead of spreadable jam, I had some kind of fruit toffee. It was like a giant wine gum in a jar. I managed to chip a lump out of it, and it tasted fine. The only problem was the texture.

Strawberry Jam

After googling various phrases about hard jam, I discovered what had gone wrong. The "up to 30 minutes" recipes were using ordinary sugar, but the jam sugar I'd used had added pectin. This had caused the jam to set quicker and at a lower temperature than relying on the pectin in the fruit alone. The lemon juice had also bumped up the pectin levels. Luckily, I also found that melting the jam down and adding in over-ripe fruit would probably give the jam a slightly better consistency.

A few nights later, when trying to get rid of the last few strawberries, I put the two jars of jam I'd made in a saucepan of cold water, which I slowly warmed up. In another pan, I mashed up the remaining fresh strawberries with a splash of water. Once the jam was warm enough to be stirrable (this took some time) I added in the mashed strawberries and their juice, and mixed it in to the existing jam as best I could.

I left the jars overnight, and consoled myself that a jar of strawberry toffee was not the worst thing that could have happened. The next morning I made toast while staring at the jars of jam with apprehension. Opening the jar gave no clues, and the jam still looked firm. As I dipped the knife in, I knew the fix had worked. The jam was spreadable! Success!

Jam on a petit pain

I've been eating the jam all week, just on bread or crackers, sometimes with butter and sometimes without. I've even substituted jam and bread for dinner, in a move reminiscent of my grandmother. When my mother would tell her to eat a proper dinner, she'd reply that jam and smoking were the only pleasures left in life at her age. I haven't started smoking though.

I wouldn't say this jam is life changing, but it is very fruity, with the right balance of sweetness and tartness. The vanilla adds a little something, but the flavour is not obvious. For a first foray in to the jam-making world, I'm pretty happy. I've also learnt my lesson about not trying to combine 3 different recipes when I have no idea what I'm doing!

Monday, 27 July 2009

Raspberry Crumble, with a Hint of Strawberry

Last week, I went down to Durham for a night to visit my flatmate H, who has graduated, moved out of the flat, and is about to start a very exciting new project updating a guidebook (I want her job!). On the train down, I got a text from T. The strawberries we'd picked a few days ago were becoming over-ripe and squishy, with a couple already mouldy and in the bin. We decided to mush up any that looked on their last legs and freeze them.

When I returned from H's, I made the gooseberry snow, and froze the last couple of handfuls of remaining gooseberries. Now I just had a punnet of raspberries to deal with. I'd already used some for a very boozy cranachan (recipe to come later once I remember how much raspberry vodka I put in it...) but there were still quite a fair amount in the punnet.

So... it had to be some kind of recipe that was mostly fruit, as I didn't fancy a pile of cream and carbohydrates with just a couple of berries on top. It also had to be quick and simple, as 1 Vs 100 was on Xbox Live. I know this is the lamest thing ever, but I really, really, REALLY love trivia quizzes.

Raspberry crumble won. It is simple, quick, easy to clear up, great hot, good cold and gives fruit the starring role. Plus it always reminds of being a kid as crumble was about the only pudding my mum could be bothered to cook!

Raspberry Crumble

I completely guessed the recipe, as I forgot to bring my scales over to T's flat.

1/4 packet of butter (about 75g?)
A good sprinkle of flour
A good sprinkle of oats
A small sprinkle of sugar
Pinch of salt
Pinch of ginger

The mixture seemed crumbly enough, and looked like there was enough to cover the dish I'd dumped all the raspberries in to. Just as I was about to add the topping, I remembered the frozen strawberries. There wasn't that much so I defrosted the mush in a saucepan with a dash of water and threw that in with the raspberries too.


After 30 minutes in a gas mark 5 oven, the juice from the berries was staining the edges of the crumble, which had turned golden and crispy. We ate it with a small dollop of ice cream that was lurking in the back of the freezer. The fruit underneath was sweet, with a slight sourness, and had turned jammy and thick. The flavour of the strawberries wasn't obvious, but it tempered the intensity of the raspberries and made the whole affair even more yummy.

I finished off the last portion today while watching Eggheads. Sometimes I love being unemployed.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Valentine Warner's Gooseberry Snow

I don't think I've ever had gooseberries in any other form than gooseberry fool, so I was intrigued to try the recipe for gooseberry snow in Valentine Warner's "What to Eat Now: More Please!". It was a sort of cross between a crumble and a Queen of Puddings, with stewed fruit on the bottom, topped off with a lightly baked meringue.

The first step was to stew up some gooseberries. They were heated with butter and a bit of sugar until they were starting to go mushy, but most of the fruit was still intact. As this bit is to taste, I reckon you could pretty much freestyle it, but I used about 10g of butter, 75g of gooseberries and a good sprinkle of sugar. The recipe made 4 servings, but there was only me, so I made one serving of fruit and two servings of meringue, as I couldn't go smaller than one egg white!

Draining the Gooseberries

Leave the gooseberries to cool while you make the meringue. This was one egg white with 50g sugar and a dash of vanilla essence. Whisk it until it is stiff and shiny, if you tip the bowl upside down it shouldn't fall out! Mix the leftover egg yolk in to the stewed gooseberries (make sure they are cool enough so the yolk won't scramble).

Pour the gooseberry mixture into a greased ramekin or oven-proof dish, and spoon a good amount of meringue on top. Bake at 190C for 10-15 minutes.

I was very generous with the meringue.

I went for 15 minutes in the oven, although 12 would probably have been better. The meringue was a little too brown, with the occasional burnt patch.

Gooseberry Snow

Luckily, this didn't affect the taste too much, with only the top peak tasting "burnt" rather than caramelised. The sweet meringue was foamy and fluffy, and was offset nicely by the tart fruit. The fruit stew at the bottom was possibly one of the most delicious things I have eaten lately, and I rescued the saucepan from the washing up pile so I could have a couple more mouthfuls of the stuff! The addition of the egg yolk made the sauce surrounding the fruit transform in to a thin custard, with just the right amount of richness.

I'm still not convinced by meringue topping, so I don't think this dish will become a regular round here. However, I'll definitely be making the stewed gooseberries again, and probably just eating it straight out the pan too.

EDIT: The original recipe is now online for those of you fed up with my vague description!

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Craigies PYO Farm, Near South Queensferry

Last year we spent a lot of time trying to go to Pick Your Own farms, but the only time we actually made it to one, it had been raining too heavily that week and the PYO fields were closed. When the sun struggled through the clouds on Sunday morning, we headed out to Craigie's Farm to grab some strawberries while we could!

The farm is just outside Edinburgh, with a great view of the airport! I kept hearing "thunder" only to realise it was a plane landing! You can also see out over Edinburgh to the surrounding hills, and over the Forth to Fife. After wandering around in the shop for a bit, we eventually found the pile of PYO punnets at the entrance to the fields.

View to Fife

We started off in the Strawberry rows, and soon filled a large punnet with 2kg of strawberries. The plants were not all completely ripe, so it was fun digging around under leaves and trying to spot the ripest ones. It was also great to sample a few berries along the way, although it probably wasn't the most hygienic thing you could do.

Spot the Ripe Strawberries...

Carrying our massive basket of strawberries, we headed over to the gooseberry bushes. They were quite spiky and we got a few nips off some of the more thorny branches. We didn't pick quite so many of these, but I wanted to try the Valentine Warner recipe for gooseberry snow, so we settled at half a small punnet (about 500g).

Finally, we trekked down to the bottom of the farm for the outdoor raspberries. These were the easiest to pick, as unlike the strawberries you didn't have to crouch down so low, and the bushes weren't spiky like the gooseberries. I don't think I've ever seen a raspberry bush before, and it was interesting how the raspberries left their white conical hulls on the bush. I always assumed that raspberries must have been hollowed out in a factory somewhere! As the raspberries were off the ground, they weren't as muddy as the strawberries, and for a while I was following a "one for the basket, one for me" style of picking! Fortunately for Craigie's profit margin, the Scottish weather started closing in, and we hurried to fill our punnet before the rain soaked us.

T hard at work in the raspberry field

As we walked back to the farm, the threatened rain didn't quite appear, so instead I took some arty shots of the punnets. We also passed redcurrents and blackcurrents, but we didn't get any of these on this occasion, although we did enjoy playing at being farmers! There are also lots of other PYO items that haven't come in to season yet, so I'm already planning the next trip!
Craigies PYO Fruit

Although we spent a fair bit of money, we got a lot of fruit. We didn't realise quite how good a deal we got until we stopped at Sainsbury's on the way home. We'd paid £3.99 per kg for our raspberries, but the ones in the supermarket were £8.84per kg! The cheapest supermarket strawberries we could find were £4 per kg, compared to our ones at £3.49. The supermarket fruit looked pretty sad in comparision to the stuff in the car boot, which had been attached to a plant less than an hour ago.

We ate the first batch of strawberries that night with cream, to maximise the freshness. I think some of it will end up as jam, while the excess raspberries and gooseberries are probably headed for the freezer, or summer puddings. I can't wait!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Grandmother's Chicken Fried Rice

T is a big fan of Chinese food, and if I'm not around at the weekend, he'll often treat himself to a take away. He'd watched a few TV shows about Chinese food, but didn't really have the know-how to cook it at home beyond basic stir-fries. When I saw Chinese Food Made Easy on special offer, I picked up a copy for T. (I am angling for a Girlfriend-of-the-Year Award...)

Even though we don't move to our new flat together (eeek!) until September, already we've begun the process of sorting through our possessions and getting rid of things. Yesterday was the turn of my old PC (I'm a Mac-girl now) so T had spent the day dismantling it and adding the best bits on to his PC to create an uber-PC. I'd spent the day clearing up the casing and getting rid of all the dust that had collected in it over the years! We decided to start off the book with Grandmother's Chicken Fried Rice, as we just wanted something fairly straightforward and quick to have for dinner after a busy day. T also gets this dish a fair bit from the take-away, so he was interested to see how it compared.

We had most of the ingredients already, as I had some rice wine (I decided that Japanese is close enough to Chinese in this case) from making sushi ages ago, so all that was required was a quick trip to the Chinese supermarket I recently discovered to get some dried shiitakes* and some glutinous rice.

As I chopped up the shallots, and grated the ginger, I soaked the mushrooms and cooked the rice. T's flat doesn't have scales, so I had to guess how much rice and how much water to use. After about 10 minutes, there was a horrible burning smell and a rice pancake burnt on the bottom of the pan! Luckily as it was non-stick it just flopped out in one lump straight in to the bin. The second attempt I used a lot more water and a lower heat. This one didn't burn on to the pan, but was very glutinous indeed! It stuck together in a big ball and it was only once I started stir-frying it that it began to separate into the grains.

Second attempt at glutinous rice

After I'd managed to cook the rice, the rest of the recipe was very easy and simple. After briefly frying the garlic, shallots and dried shiitakes, diced chicken was added. Then five spice and rice wine, followed by dark soy sauce. Finally, the rice and peanuts are added, warmed through, and then served seasoned with light soy sauce, toasted sesame oil and spring onion.

Grandmother's Chicken Fried Rice

The dish was really tasty, and I liked how the crunchy peanuts contrasted with the soft chicken and rubbery mushrooms. My main criticism of this dish was the lack of vegetables. Normally I would put in lots of veg and only 1 chicken breast, but I used 2 breasts for this. It felt very meat heavy, I guess I have got used to a less meaty diet lately. The book does have a large vegetarian section, and it seems that a lot of the dishes are meant to be served in conjunction with each other, so if I was to make this again I'd make a bit less and serve a veggie side dish too.

*I don't know why the recipe specifies dried shiitakes over fresh ones, perhaps it is because fresh ones aren't that widely available in parts of the UK? Anyone got a better suggestions?

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Summer Courgette Spaghetti

Given that only a few weeks ago I was ranting about how I don't like pasta, today's post might seem a little strange. However, I'm moving flat soon (yay!) so need to eat as much as I can from the cupboards. That includes 2 portions of spaghetti bought in some moment of pasta-based madness. I'd also spent the afternoon at the gym, so something vaguely healthy seemed fitting. I had half a courgette left over in the fridge too, so this courgette and tomato sauce from last month's Good Food magazine seemed ideal.

Reducing the tomatoes

The recipe was super quick to pull together, and the only adaptation I made was quartering all the ingredients, as I was making this for one *sob*. Apart from using spaghetti instead of linguine, but I think that difference is negligible.

Courgette and Tomato Spaghetti.

The result was a pretty tasty dinner, although as is always the case, I put in a few too many chilli flakes and the dish was perhaps a little spicier than would have been ideal. I really liked the contrast between the soft courgette and the crispy, salty bacon bits, and I even coped with eating a whole 75g of pasta!

Although I probably wouldn't go out and buy ingredients specifically to make this, it was great as a way of using up that spare bit of courgette lingering in the salad drawer. Now to find something to make that final 75g of spaghetti bearable!

PS - Both the photos in this post look so much tastier when clicked for the bigger versions!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Graze - Plus a Free Box!

I heard about Graze from Jess, and signed up to look round the site. As usual, I got distracted and totally forgot about it. The other week, I got a reminder email from Graze, pointing out that although I'd signed up, I'd never actually ordered anything. To tempt me back, they also included a code for a free box.

Graze is basically a healthy snack box, with a large portion of fresh fruit, and two smaller portions of dried fruit, nuts or olives. You can select a nutritional "theme" for your box, such as immunity boosting (I picked this one as I still feel a bit run down and sickly after having pneumonia a few months ago), pre or post-workout*, and energy boosting.

Graze Box

My first box was meant to turn up last week, but I think it got lost in the post (or the postman stole it. A suspiciously large amount of our mail never turns up...) so this was my debut box. When I noted on the Graze website that my box hadn't arrived, I was immediately given the next box for free to make up for it. I was so excited when the postman rang the bell this morning! The box contained: a large punnet of crunchy apples (I can confirm they were indeed crunchy), a punnet of "fire nuts" (chilli almonds, cashews and wasabi peas) and a small punnet of raisins. I wasn't keen on the chilli almonds, but the cashews were amazing! Wasabi peas were a little too hot, but I still happily munched my way through the box. The raisins were also good, being some of the fattest and juiciest I have had in a while.

Fire Nut Selection - chilli cashews, almonds and wasabi peas

Although a Graze box isn't cheap (£2.99 a go) it is very convenient. I don't tend to buy things like dried fruit as I don't eat it often enough, and it just sits in the cupboard. Having a nutritionally controlled portion (1 of the 5-a-day) was good, as normally I would eat about 2 raisins and then wonder if it counted!

Graze are promoting themselves quite heavily at the moment, and seem to be very generous with the free boxes. If you'd like to try them yourself, this code gets you a free box, and £1 will be donated to the Rainforest Alliance.

Enter 5CCT231G at GRAZE.COM

*I have also recently returned to the gym after knackering my old running shoes, messing up my feet and having to get a new pair that was gait analysed! I like that I could get an immunity box one week and then a workout box the next. I am so healthy it hurts.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Lemon Thyme Shortbread - A Bake Swap

A while ago, I sent a complete stranger a mix CD of my favourite music. The stranger sent me a CD back. I liked some of the music, and thought some of it was weird. I loved getting a random CD in the post though. Welcome to the world of internet swaps!

I hadn't done a swap in ages, when I stumbled across a bake swap. I like baking and I like random stuff. I signed up straight away.

Once I'd sent the email, I began to dread the swap. What if I got someone who is vegan? Or gluten free? Or some other weird allergy/dietary requirement that I can't bothered to work around. (Part of me thinks that if you are seriously limited about what you can eat, you should stick to the mix CDs instead.)

When I received my swap partner's details I was shocked. I googled the details in the email. Woah.

Luckily, she was not on some crazy diet, but living in a flat 5 minutes away from the house I spent the first 18 years of my life in. The randomness just got even better!

She said that she liked citrus flavours, and I've been thinking a lot lately about using herbs in sweet foods. I made an awesome orange and rosemary cake once, so I wanted to do something along those lines. I eventually settled on lemon shortbread with thyme.

This recipe was a bit experimental, and was inspired by several other recipes, with this one by Sophistimom being really helpful. I've changed a few of the quantities, and presented them differently. The biscuits are very crisp and crumbly, with an immediate lemon zing, followed by an aftertaste of refreshing herbs. I would prefer a bit more of an "upfront" herb flavour, but I didn't want to go too overboard on the thyme on this occasion.

Box of Lemon Shortbread with Thyme Glaze

Lemon Shortbread with Thyme

225g unsalted butter, softened
150g granulated sugar
zest of 1.5 lemons (save the other half a lemon for the glaze)
1 tsp salt
2 tsps finely chopped thyme
1 egg
275g plain flour
2 tbsps lemon juice

Turbinado sugar (can use demerara)
4 tbsps icing sugar
juice of 1 lemon
zest 0.5 lemons
1 tsp finely chopped thyme
  • Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Add in the lemon zest, salt and thyme, combine thoroughly.
  • Separate the egg, saving the white for glazing. Add the yolk into the biscuit dough mix.
  • Add the flour and lemon juice. Once a dough starts forming, knead gently on a floured surface. If the dough is sticky at this point, add more flour, a sprinkle at a time.
  • Wrap the dough in clingfilm, and chill for at least an hour.
  • Preheat the oven to 180C, and line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper.
  • Roll the dough out to 5mm thick, and cut circles out (I used a 2 inch diameter cutter). Keep gathering the scraps and re-rolling until you have about 40 biscuits.
  • Brush half the biscuits with egg white, and then sprinkle with turbinado sugar. Other half of the batch stay plain for the moment!
  • Bake for 15-18 minutes, until the biscuits are just turning golden brown at the edges.
  • Cool on the tray for 1 minute, then move to a wire rack to finish cooling.
  • Once cool, mix the icing sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest and thyme to make a glaze.
  • Put half a teaspoon of glaze on each of the plain biscuits, spreading it out with the back of the spoon.
  • Once the glaze is dry, serve with tea.
Lemon Thyme Shortbreads

I am excited to see what I get back in return!

Thursday, 9 July 2009

English Muffins

Sometimes while perusing the internet, or reading a magazine or cook book, a certain recipe will jump out at me. Not in a "I should make this later" kind of way, but "I MUST MAKE THIS NOW" kind of way.

They tend to be simple, and use store-cupboard ingredients. Just as some people emotionally eat, I emotionally bake. When it's late at night, and you give me recipe using things I have in the cupboard, I'm totally going to go for it.

The last time I had an impulse bake I made raspberry muffins, but this time it was cinnamon raisin English muffins. I started just after midnight, so that was a good idea. Washing up at 3am was not fun. Watching Psychoville on iplayer while waiting for the batter to rise was more fun, although that is not the best show to watch on your own late at night!

However, the muffins were really easy to make, although I didn't have enough milk so I used watered down fromage frais instead. I have no idea what effect this had on the muffins, but the batter looked the right consistency so I ploughed on regardless.

The ongoing dilemma of the misshapen frying pan meant that it was hard to get the muffins to stay round and cook at the right speed, but they came out of the pan looking presentable enough. I left them overnight to cool, and toasted them for breakfast.

Bad muffins!

They were not good at all! They were still yeasty and uncooked inside, and unpleasantly chewy. I think I must have had them over too high a heat, as the outside was burning but the inside wasn't cooked through yet. This should teach me to attempt yeasted goods at 2am.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The Graduation Bake-a-thon.

As it was graduation week, we have had various friends, relatives and randomers drifting in and out of the flat all week. In an attempt to be hospitable, we all chipped in to an ingredients pot and I went on a baking binge.
The lemon roulade was amazing, and the left over lemon curd is in the fridge. I haven't told my flatmates this yet as once I do it will not be around for long. The only trouble I had with this recipe was that the sponge broke up when I tried to roll it. Luckily I had enough lemon curd and mascarpone to stick it back together, but it looked a bit messy from the side.

Broken lemon roulade - tastes better than it looks

The carrot cake is one of my favourite ones, as it is so dense and moist. However, I made it in mini loaf tins as I wanted to freeze a cake for later in the week in case the first batch went stale/got eaten. As the mixture is so dense, it is prone to burning on top but still being undercooked in the middle. Luckily I managed to get away with it this time, but the cake was a little moister than I would have liked, and a little crispy on top. I also swapped out the walnuts for hazelnuts as I had them in the cupboard already.

Carrot cake with vanilla mascarpone topping

I have altered the Cupcake Bakeshop recipe, and never use the strawberries in the filling, partly because they don't add that much and partly because even in season they are so expensive! The buttercream icing on top is perfect. It's creamy and sweet but without being overpowering. The texture of the cake itself is nothing special, but when it has the ganache filling it is AMAZING. I have yet to give anyone this cupcake and for them not to fall in love with it.

I'd made the Korova cookies before, but this time I used white chocolate chips instead of dark, just because I'd messed up the shopping list and not bought enough plain chocolate to make these and the chocolate cupcakes. I also think I sliced them a bit thin as they were too crispy and a little tough. Still delicious though!

Roulade and Carrot Cake, boxes of cookies

Once again, me and caramel failed to get on. I burned the mixture and had to strain it through a sieve in to a fresh pan. I also didn't cook it enough for it to stay in the biscuits, so some of them leaked as the caramel was too runny. I also got the quantities completely wrong, so now we have a massive tub of caramel in the fridge alongside the lemon curd!

Overall, I think I need to plan baking binges better. I ran out of muffin cases and baking powder, but had way too many eggs. I tried to make things in an order to best maximise things like oven capacity and cooling racks, but if I'd thought it through better I would have made things like cookie dough in advance. I also need some more attractive display containers. The cake caddy is pretty awesome, but kind of utilitarian looking. Any ideas?

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Home Made Tapas

It's been a busy week for me. My parents came up to visit, as did most of my flatmates' families. It's graduation week! I got to wear a cape! I was also a bit disappointed that I only got a white hood, some of the other degrees got red with fur trims. I am now officially a graduate. Scary.

Before the madness started, we had tapas for dinner. I spent 5 or 6 hours in the kitchen making 11 dishes, it was probably the most extreme savoury cooking I've ever done. As there was only 4 of us, most of the dishes were quite small. It was still tough, and I struggled to get everything out at once. I have a new appreciation of the amount of work an underground restaurant must involve!

Tortilla, chorizo, gambas al pil pil, patatas bravas

The photos are pretty rough because I was so hungry and tired by this stage that spending time taking well lit pictures just wasn't going to happen.
  • Green Salad
  • Potato and Onion Tortilla
  • Grilled Chorizo
  • Gambas al pil pil
  • Patatas Bravas
  • Sardine Escabeche
  • Olives
  • Pan con tomate
  • Meatballs in tomato sauce
  • Chicken and Chorizo Stew
  • Garlic Mushrooms
Very rustic looking pan con tomate

I tried to make things ahead and reheat them nearer to dinner, as well as including a couple of cold items such as the tortilla, salad and olives that just needed to be plated up.

The meatballs and the tortilla were my favourite dishes. The tortilla was made by cooking potatoes and onions in a sea of olive oil, then draining off the oil and replacing it with beaten eggs. It took ages to cook as I don't think our frying pan conducts heat very well. (This might be because it was cheap, but probably more due to the bashed in bottom not sitting flat on the hob). I ended up grilling the top to try and get the egg to set enough to turn it over in the pan. We didn't manage to eat it all on the night, so had another slice for breakfast the next morning. Yum!


The meatballs were made with a mixture of pork and beef, with a red wine and tomato sauce. I browned them in the pan before baking them in the oven with the sauce. They were deliciously meaty, although the sauce wasn't quite right.

Tapas was quite stressful, and I'm not sure whether I'd be bothered to make it all again! As always, there was way too much food so I'm still eating left over chorizo and salad. It was a fun evening and I drank more sherry than I should have done! We've still got loads of onions, eggs and potatoes, so another tortilla might be on the cards, especially if I can eat it for breakfast!