Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Other Websites I Like To Read

I read a lot of food related website and blogs, all in the name of "research". However, when you have been away for a week and see 400 new posts in Google Reader, it's time for action.

My favourite sites are permanently linked on the right. These sites are well written, well designed and I will always go out of my way to read one of their postings. Recipes posted on these sites are generally trustworthy and unlikely to be a complete disaster! When I have a 400 post overload, these are the sites I'll read first.

Below are my RSS Subscriptions. They are mostly food but you'll find the odd lifestyle blog in there too.

If you have a blog or website you'd like to suggest, leave a comment and I'll check it out!

Here are some other sites I like that aren't blogs but are mostly about food.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your blog. I've enjoyed looking through the recipes!
